September 29, 2024: I Tried Pilates For The First Time

Hi friends,

This week I went out of my way to try something different and took my first Pilates class with my girlfriend.

It was the first fitness class I’ve ever taken as I usually work out by myself with programs I’ve created, but I was getting bored with my normal weights and cardio training and wanted to try something new.

I’ve had many of my patients say that they’ve tried Pilates and would highly recommend it. These patients also tend to be well-coordinated and have great awareness of how their bodies move in space so I wanted to check it out for myself.

Many of the exercises that we performed focused on maintaining core engagement with concurrent leg and arm movements, which is also a hallmark that I use when treating people with back pain. This is because the core musculature should be activated to protect and stabilize the back and provide a solid foundation on which the legs and arms can move and produce force.

I didn’t know what to expect when we first walked into the studio, but I walked out feeling like a new person and it was great to move my body in ways that it’s never moved before.

It can become monotonous and boring to go through the same workout regimen. Taking a class or trying a different type of exercise is a great way to increase enjoyment and improve your physical capabilities.

If you always do the same exercises, you will get good at them, but you may not be exposed to areas of weakness. Even though I only took one class, I got a new perspective on things that I need to improve upon—hip and ankle mobility, core strength, and hip stability to name a few.

If you’re in the Chicagoland area, I highly recommend checking out Pilatesvile. But if you don’t live in Chicago, I encourage you to try a new workout class. It could be yoga, pilates, CrossFit, or something else. It’s good to step out of your comfort zone, and you never know what you might learn or who you’ll meet in the process.

Until next week,


❤️ Things I’m Enjoying This Week

  1. Digital kitchen timer - I started using this timer a few months ago to help stave off procrastination while working. Typically, I set the timer for 25-30 minutes and focus on whatever I’m working on, and then take a 5-minute break once the timer goes off.

  2. Book - The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh. A great book for anyone who is thinking about starting to meditate. One key insight I took from this book revolves around the act of doing the dishes. Usually, we do dishes so that we can do something else—maybe having a cup of coffee. But if all you’re thinking about while doing the dishes is the cup of coffee you’re going to have afterward, then you’re not going to be able to enjoy your cup of coffee. You’ll be thinking about what you have to do next. This week when I’ve been washing dishes, I’ve made an emphasis to take my time and focus on the task at hand, on staying present.

  3. Podcast - Andrew Wilkinson on Ali Abdaal’s Deep Dive podcast. Wilkinson is a billionaire and talks about his journey to becoming a billionaire, and the surprising downsides that come with it.