Kevin’s Newsletter: September 24, 2023

Hi friends,

Here is this week’s list of what I’m exploring and thinking about. Feel free to forward this along to friends.

Sleep supplement I’m using

Recess Gradient Berry Tub. This supplement contains L-theanine and magnesium L-threonate. I find that taking it 30-60 minutes before going to bed helps relax my mind to fall asleep right away.

How I’m fixing my shoulder

Strengthening my upper trapezius muscle. I’ve been dealing with shoulder pain most of this summer, partially due to inadequate upper trapezius strength. Many patients come to see me with shoulder pain thinking that their pain is due to “tight” upper traps, but it’s more likely that their upper traps are weak and not functioning properly. In order to fully raise your arm overhead, you need your upper trapezius muscles to be strong in order to upwardly rotate your shoulder blade to take pressure off your shoulder joint.

Sunglasses I’m trying out

Oakley Sutro Lite. These have been a great investment for playing beach volleyball and cycling. It took me some time to get over how big and goofy they look at first, but after wearing them for a few weeks now the style is definitely growing on me.

Quote of the week

Happiness and its feelings are associated with three tangible phenomena in our lives: enjoyment, satisfaction, and meaning.

Arthur Brooks

Word of the week

Zenith: the strongest or most successful period of time for a person or thing.

Until next week,
