Kevin’s Newsletter: June 18, 2023

Hi friends,

This is my first email newsletter. It’s a bit of a test, but the plan is that each Sunday, I will be sharing some thoughts and musings from the week.

What I’m reading

I picked up a copy of Peter Attia’s new book Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity. The value of this book is outrageous. I have been studying health and wellness for over 7 years and have yet to find a more practical and understandable book on improving all aspects of health. If you’re looking for an all-encompassing book on how to prevent disease and increase your lifespan and health span, look no further.

What I’m listening to

How to Optimize Your Water Intake & Quality for Health by Andrew Huberman. I’ve been a fan of Andrew Huberman for a long time and he doesn’t disappoint in this episode. He lays out the foundation for how much water we should be drinking, when to drink it, and how the quality of the water can affect your body, and most importantly, your endocrine system.

Exercise I’m working on

I have been dealing with knee pain for the past few weeks which is likely attributable to a specific muscle being weak—the gluteus medius. This is a little fan-shaped muscle on the side of the hip that plays a key role in maintaining the proper alignment of the entire leg. If it is weak it can cause breakdown at the knee with activities such as squatting, running, and jumping. To exercise this muscle, I like to keep it simple with a few exercises: side-stepping and monster walks with a resistance band around my ankles.

Newsletter I’m enjoying

The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday is a great daily email to gain perspective and patience in our busy lives. Ryan is the author of some of the most popular books on Stoicism—and for good reason—and breaks down lessons and stories from the ancient Stoics. These are often applicable to contemporary problems we deal with almost every day. I highly recommend his newsletter and books on Stoicism if you want to improve your resilience and ability to handle difficult situations.

Quote of the week

“As you focus more on becoming more peaceful with where you are, rather than focusing on where you would rather be, you begin to find peace right now, in the present.”

From Richard Carlson’s book: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff ... and It's All Small Stuff

Word of the week

Fastidious: showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care.

Until next week,
